What studies are eligible for submission to WCG?

There are two pathways for submitting studies to WCG: (1) Industry Track, and (2) Ceded Track.

INDUSTRY TRACK:  Studies qualify for submission to WCG via the Industry Track only if they meet all 4 of the following conditions:

The study is

      1. industry authored
      2. industry sponsored
      3. multisite
      4. a clinical trial of an FDA regulated drug, devices, or biologic.  NOTE: Non-therapeutic trials that are authored by a UF investigator and only being conducted at UF but are industry sponsored may request an exemption in order to submit to WCG.

Studies that qualify for submission via the Industry Track can submit directly to WCG following UF’s process described at: Submit a New Study to WCG.

The following studies are not eligible for the Industry Track:

  • The research that is related to behavioral science.
  • The investigator has previously submitted the study to another UF IRB.
  • The study involves the Veterans Administration
          1. The trial involves the use of Veterans Administration facilities, equipment or patients. (VA central office policy)
          2. Full-time VA employees may not be involved as PI, Co-I, or Sub-I in any project submitted to WCG
            1. Note: part-time VA employees may be involved in these projects only if the research does not take place in a VA facility (including an approved off-site facility), is not part of the employee’s VA duties and does not occur during his/her VA tour of duty.
          3. The study is supported in whole or part by the CTSI. NOTE: There are times when the study is fully supported by industry and the CRC space and services are paid for. In those cases, WIRB may be used.

: all other studies must be submitted via myIRB.  Sponsored, multisite studies may qualify for review by a single IRB (sIRB).  If your multisite study doesn’t qualify for Industry Track submission to WCG but your sponsor prefers or requires submission to WCG (or a different sIRB), that is possible via our Ceded Track.  You can learn more about the Ceded Track process at: https://irb.ufl.edu/sirb-2.html.