8/15/2011: Psychological/Behavioral Assessment reevaluation

IRB-01 is reevaluating the questionnaires/surveys/instruments/assessments that are listed on our “Psychological & Survey Measures” form (located on the IRB-01 website at: /docs/frm-measures.doc).

IRB-01 invites researchers to submit any unlisted instruments for consideration and potential inclusion in the “Psychological & Survey Measures” form. Instruments to be considered MUST include:

  • A copy of the instrument (paper or .pdf)
  • The instrument’s formal name
  • The instrument’s common abbreviated name

Ideally, submissions will also include to the best degree possible:

  • Most up to date reference for norms/psychometric properties/manuals
  • Characteristics it measures

Researchers wishing to submit an instrument for consideration may submit it (1) via email to UFIRB-L@lists.ufl.edu (attaching the .pdf of the instrument), or (2) by paper to the IRB-01 office with a cover letter providing the information above (and a hard copy of the instrument).

Reminder of the historical purpose of “Psychological & Survey Measures” form is as follows:

  • The IRB must evaluate all study interventions/interactions in order to protect the rights and welfare of research subjects.
  • Researchers who wish to utilize questionnaires/surveys/instruments/assessments must submit copies of these items so the IRB can evaluate it relative to the research. These copies must be submitted/re-submitted every time they will be included in any research project.
    • In order to facilitate review of these instruments, a sub-Committee of the IRB can review instruments for inclusion in a reference for the IRB, providing useful information for the IRB such as the potential harm/threat to subjects.
    • The sub-Committee can choose to include the instrument on the “Psychological & Survey Measures” form, in which case researchers can report on the form that they intend to use the instrument and do not have to provide additional copies of the instrument if listed on the form.
      • Not all instruments may be included on the form. Researchers must continue to submit copies of any instruments not listed on the “Psychological & Survey Measures” form.