
OneFlorida is a statewide network coordinated out of the UF CTSI that can facilitate clinical and translational research in communities and health care settings throughout Florida. Research designated as OneFlorida must be submitted and approved by the OneFlorida Steering Committee prior to IRB-01 submission.

In order for a OneFlorida site to be approved, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) must be signed between Institutional officials.

Currently, OneFlorida sites include:

  • Florida State University (FSU)

OneFlorida Requirements:

  • OneFlorida staff members must notify Dr. Iafrate of their participation. Email Dr. Iafrate at:
  • Obtain a UFID by contacting Amanda McFarlan at:
  • Complete the myIRB registration to include a OneFlorida affiliation which will require a VPN connection. More information can be found at: Accessing myIRB
  • Institutional site approval must be obtained and the OneFlorida Addendum completed (to be uploaded onto the myIRB study)
  • myIRB study created/revised to include OneFlorida site(s) participation

OneFlorida documents

OneFlorida Consents:

  • UF Core Consent + (add Institutional Addendum below) *to be added*
  • UF Consent Addendum *to be added*
  • FSU Consent Addendum *to be added*

OneFlorida Addendum (for Institutional approval)

  • FSU OneFlorida Addendum checklist *to be added*